We’re praying for you
We’ve have seen many on the prayer lists at the churches we’ve been to. We’ve had many that have asked for prayer and we also have many on our personal prayer lists. We thought this would be a great place to have a list, so our visitors could join us in prayer for those listed below. This list is compiled of churches and individual requests.
The way to do it is simple! God knows each and every person listed here. He knows their needs. He knows each hair on their head! So, when in prayer, all we ask is that you include this line – “Lord, bless those on the prayer list.” – and let God do the rest!!
Continue to pray for our troops, Continue to pray for our Nation, Bruce Carter, Brother Donald and Mrs. Dessie Edge, Mavis Chism, Ellis Mitchell, Al Isaac, Wesley Shields, Lynn Shields, Deavor Campbell, Betty Mixon, Betty Carter, Kim Norris, Clinton McNeese, Tommy Oatsvall, Randle Carter, Brother Terry Paul Graham, Caroline Van Asselberg, Michael Hawley, Emily Lockhart, Charlotte Puckett, Rusty Reeves & family, Junior Pickle, Monda Sizemore, Justin West, Jim Williams, Joe Reeves, Emily O’Neal, Sally Roe, Danny Shields, Will Aires, Linda Carruthers, Larry Stacey, Lauren Scott, Arvis Williams, James Mills, Trent Ross, Joel Duncan, Jennifer Davis, Judy Howell, Tilden Reeves, Crissy Monaghan, Catherine Crowe, Phillip and Luther Shields, Sunshine Ward, Hazel Perkins, Dewayne Holloway, David Scott Phelps, Diane Terrell, Macheryl Tillmon, Sheila Hogue, Freddy Isaac, Hoyt Jordan, Ethan Dodd, Margaret Ann Reeves, Emily Vaughan, Joyce Stephens, Mike Ford, Linda King, Linda Gosa, Natalie Griffin, Linda Reese, Laura Gagle, Jerry Mitchell, Kevi Callahan, Gertrude Peterson, Jimmy Phillips, Maldon Griffin, Linda Carter, Ruth Ann Gregs, Roy Lindsey, Merrill Jones, Penny Stark, Van Dabbs, BJ Gadd, JB Heard, Matt and Melanie Stark and family, Haven Sloan, Brandi Andrews, Jim Kane, Pam Stanford, Brother Brad Woolworth, Willenne Ball, Ruble Adams, Dudley Cantrell, Sybil Wilkinson, Chip and Jo Chism, Kayla Carter, Keith Myatt, Lakelyn Burt, Debbie Brown, Sandra Peebles, Krista West, Bryan Fischer, Mary Griffin
If you would like to be on this list, or know of someone you would like to add, please let us know. We also ask that you please help us keep this page updated. If you know of a name to be taken off this list, share the story of how God has blessed them! We’ll post it too!!